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Agreement of Services

2024 Agreement

This is not a contract; it is an outline of our services. You may cancel at any time.



Holidays and Inclement weather:

The following holidays may affect your pickup day: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving, and Christmas


Curbside customers: If the holiday falls on your assigned day, we will be there the day after the holiday.

Dumpster customers: Your day can vary, see more details below.

Inclement weather can also affect the day, please call us or check our Facebook page



We will pick up your garbage on your assigned day. 


We do not provide bins; you may purchase your own or set bags out at curb. 5 big bag maximum/3-4 regular sized cans.


You should have your garbage on the curb by 6am. If your garbage is not out, your garbage will be picked up the following week on your assigned day.



We will empty your dumpster as agreed upon when you signed up (Weekly, Bi-Monthly, or Monthly)

  • Weekly: We will be there once a week

  • Bi-Monthly: We will be there every other week. Depending on the schedule it could be the 1st & 3rd (& 5th), or the 2nd and 4th.

  • Monthly: We will be there once a month, usually the 3rd or 4th week of the month. Depending on the month and schedule, if there are 5 weeks in the month it could be the 5th week of the month.

  • The day can vary- Normally it is Tues, Wed or Thursday.


We understand that this could cause some unease with not having a set date, but this helps keep our prices low.  A few tips to ensure you have the best outcome:


  • Put garbage in the dumpster as you go vs waiting until you think we will be there

  • Dumpsters should always be accessible and not blocked by vehicles, equipment or anything else. We will not come back, unless we are still in the area, to empty it. We will be back on your next scheduled day.


If you are missed (our fault), please call us and we will do our best to get back the same day.

For any questions, please check our Facebook page or call us.



Prohibited Items

Paint (Solidified accepted)

Solvents of any kind
Oil and antifreeze
Fires, Smoldering Materials, or ashes
Herbicides and Pesticides
Radioactive Flammable or Ignitable
Bio-medical waste
Liquid Wastes
All batteries
E-Waste (Cell phones, computers, or electronics)
Aerosol Cans
Toxic or Hazardous Material


  • Dumpster is to be loaded no higher than level with the top of the container and weight of items must be evenly distributed.

  • If container is loaded too high or too heavy for our trucks- the Customer is responsible to off-load the excess at their expense. (Please note that materials such as Plaster, Shingles, Concrete, etc. are heavier and will reach weight at about half full)

  • Customer is responsible for the location and placement of the container, and for ensuring that such placement(s) comply with all fire, building, and health codes applicable.

  • Customer warrants area provided for placement is sufficient to bear the weight of equipment and vehicles reasonably required. G&C is not responsible for damage to property due to placement instructions.

  • Customer agrees to pay for any loss or damage to container due to fire, theft or destruction beyond normal use.




Bills are generated the month prior to service, and are due upon receipt. Any accounts that are 30 days past due are subject to suspension of service and possible cancellation. Account will need to be paid in full to be eligible for resuming services. If this becomes a recurring issue, we may request a credit card to be put on file.


Auto Pay:

We accept Credit/Debit Cards and Checking/Savings accounts for auto pay. Credit Cards have a 3% fee to use, Checking/Savings accounts and Debit Cards have no additional fee. Cards/Accounts are run on the 25th of the month in which the bill is generated (Monthly for Dumpsters, Quarterly for Curbside) This can be adjusted, please call with questions. Unless specified, charges for one time dumpster rentals and additional items set out will also be charged to Auto Pay account.


Return/ISF fees:

Returned checks and ACH payments will incur an additional $25 fee


Frequently asked Questions

Send us a message if your question is still not answered. We will update this section as needed

What if I have large items?

Please call us to arrange pickup, as we may not be able to get it on your normal day 


What if I need my dumpster emptied an extra time?

Prices vary depending on what size dumpster you have, generally the 2 yard dumpsters would be an additional $30 per dump.


What if I want to switch from curbside to dumpster or to increse/decrease how many times the dumpster is emptied?

For billing, we would switch at the end/beginning of the month, and your bill will be adjusted if necessary. 

©2023 by Green and Clean Disposal. 

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